首页 » CJW5124 MG1655 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

CJW5124 MG1655 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞基因保藏中心

  • 价  格:¥98965
  • 货  号:CJW5124 MG1655
  • 产  地:北京
BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心
联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc.

电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号)





BioVector® NTCC® CJW5124 MG1655

C. crescentus strainsCB15N Synchronizable variant of wildtype CB15, also namedNA1000used as a wild-type strain (Evinger andAgabian, 1977)CJW1265 CB15N creS::pHL32creS-mgfp Replaces endogenous creS genewith creS-mgfpThis studyCJW2245 CB15N popZ::pBGent-popZYFPHas chromosomal yfp-popZ undernative promoter(Ebersbach etal., 2008)CJW3130 CB15N ftsZ: :pXMCS7ftsZcreS::pHL23creS-mgfpwbqL::pBGENT-KOReplaces endogenous creS genewith creS-mgfp in cells withinducible ftsZ expression and withdeleted wbqL(Cabeen et al.,2010)CJW4055 CB15N xylX::phaZ-mcherry Has inducible phaZ-mcherryfusion at the xylX locus(Werner et al.,2009)E. coli strainsCJW4386 MG1655 dnaC2/pGAP500/pGAP60Mini-RK2 tracking system (seeJP924) in MG1655 dnaC2This studyCJW4617 MG1655 Δ(lacZYA)::gfpmuNSReplaces part of lac operon with gfpµNSThis studyCJW4619 MG1655 dnaC2Δ(lacZYA)::gfp-muNSSame as CJW4617 but in dnaC2backgroundThis studyCJW5123 MG1655 pBlueScriptmcherryMG1655 producing free cytoplasmicmCherryThis studyCJW5124 MG1655 dnaC2 pBlueScriptmcherryMG1655 dnaC2 expressing freecytoplasmic mCherryThis studyJP924 MC4100ara∆714/pGAP500/pGAP60Carries mini-RK2 plasmidcontaining a 10-kb lacO array(pGAP500) and a compatibleplasmid for arabinose-inducible gfplacI expression (pGAP60)(Derman et al.,2008)MG1655 F-lambda- ilvG- rfb-50 rph-1 used as a wild-type strain (Jensen, 1993)MG1655dnaC2MG1655 dnaC2 Temperature-sensitive mutant. At therestrictive temperature, DNAreplication is blocked.(WithersBernander1998)

Supplier来源:BioVector NTCC Inc.
Email: biovector@163.com
Website网址: http://www.biovector.net

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